Buy MRO Services

This is the place to locate and buy aircraft MRO services.

Locate Repair Stations

Locate the repair station you need from our database of millions of parts from hundreds of repair stations and MRO facilities in over 140 countries. Enter a part number or description in the search form at the top of the page to get started. OneAero also allows you to search up to 1,000 parts at once.

Broadcast & Subscribe

Broadcast your request to hundreds of repair stations and MRO facilities. You should normally receive a reply within minutes. Additionally, you can subscribe to a specific part and be notified when service providers are added.

Manage Quotes & Docs

Our RFQ and Quote Management Tool takes the headache out of managing pricing and documentation related to parts you manage. Drag and drop images, airworthiness certificates, engineering drawings, or any other media to attach to your service records.

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